Project name: TreBuChET – Trenčín, Bučovice, Chránime Európske Tradície (We Protect European Traditions)
Operational program: Interreg V-A SK-CZ
Priority axis: 2 – Quality environment
Inestment priority: 3. Preservation, protection, promotion and development of cultural and natural heritage
Specific objective: Increasing the attractiveness of cultural and natural heritage for the inhabitants and visitors of the cross-border region
Project code: 304021C977
Project partners
Lead partner: The Self-governing Region of Trenčín
Main cross-border partner: The town of Bučovice
Project partner 1: The City of Trenčín

The project “TreBuChET – Trenčín, Bučovice, Chránime Európske Tradície” (TreBuChET – Trenčín, Bučovice, We Protect European Traditions) connected four important locations in two historical cities.
A dominant of Trenčín region – Trenčín Castle, which is closely related to Brezina Forest Park with the Cherry Orchard, is located in Trenčín City. In Bučovice there is Bučovice Chateau and a forest park consisting of two historically different parts – Hillfort (Hradisko) and Calvary (Kalvária).
Trenčín Castle and Bučovice Chateau were the seat of power elites in the past. The mark of the brilliant Italian Renaissance masters was seen on both in different ways, but significantly. Trenčín Castle, Cherry Orchard and Hillfort in Bučovice are important archaeological sites. In the case of Trenčín localities, the settlement comes from several stages of prehistoric, protohistoric and medieval times.
Brezina with the Cherry Orchard in Trenčín and Calvary Forest Park with Hillfort in Bučovice were used more than 100 years ago as popular relaxation sites for citizens of both cities. Informal meetings in nature already fulfilled an important social function at that time, which they have not lost to this day.
Trenčín Castle and Bučovice Chateau are the dominant structures of their cities. Both monuments are used today to present the rich past in the form of museum exhibitions as well as for cultural, social and representative purposes. An interesting parallel of both locations is also a combination of urban and natural elements with the possibility of active relaxation. Brezina Forest Park and Calvary Forest Park are located in the wider city centre and are its important part. Last but not least, the project partners found a link in the tradition of crafts, fruit and beekeeping, which are still maintained on both sides of the border.
The joint implementation of the project has achieved the exceptional interconnection of historically important sites. The co-operation of the partners on the project has made it possible to open inaccessible southern fortifications of Trenčín Castle for visitors, to build access to the castle through the Cherry Orchard and to revitalize, cultivate and renew Calvary Forest Park with Hillfort in Bučovice.
Through a jointly implemented project, the City of Trenčín reconstructed the access road to the southern fortifications of the castle and built a walkway around the Cherry Orchard, as a part of the debarrierization of Brezina. It is intersected at several points by paths and continues to link already existing walkways and stairs that lead to the monument.
Within the Trebuchet project, the furniture in the Cherry Orchard was also renovated and replenished. Twenty-six benches were set up and three public circular fire-pits made of natural, heat-resistant stone were reconstructed. Each fire-pit has a firewood shelter, and each will be equipped with a table, two benches and four relaxation loungers made of natural agate wood. Six light triangular canopies stretched between the trees will provide for the shade during summer. Two hammocks will also be available for the visitors.
At the new entrance to the southern fortifications, there is a small podium for occasional small cultural events. Lounges for resting will be complemented by several elements for active recreation, physical exercise and children’s games.
Thanks to the use of natural materials, the equipment fits nicely in the landscape of the Cherry Orchard and includes the following: a rope-climbing frame, a pyramid-shaped climbing frame, sixteen poles, six balancing poles, a balanced component with seats and two balanced climbing frames. Information boards providing details about the history of the place, bicycle stands, trash cans and portable toilets will also be installed.

Author: City of Trenčín
- Picture 1: from Ján Hanušin collection
- Picture 2: Town Bučovice archive