Transport in Trenčín

How to get to Trenčín?

  • By plane – the closest airports are M. R. Štefánik Airport in Bratislava (124 km, approximately 1 h 15 min drive) or Vienna-Schwechat airport (175 km, 2 hour drive).
  • By train – from Bratislava (124 km; 1.5 hour journey) or from Košice (320 km; 4.5 journey).
  • By bus – national and international bus lines passing through Trenčín.
  • By car – D1 expressway in direction from Bratislava and Žilina, E572 in direction from Banská Bystrica or E50 in direction from the Czech Republic.
  • By bicycle – using bike trail Vážska cyklomagistrála 002 that leads from Komárno to Žilina and is connected to bike trail system in the Czech Republic.

Website is an excellent tool to use when searching for train or bus routes and schedules.

Train and bus stations in Trenčín are located next to each other.  The city centre can be reached in approximately 10 minutes by foot. Taxi stands are located directly next to the train and bus station.



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