Synagogue (Synagóga)

Trenčín synagogue belongs to the most exquisite and interesting works of its type in Slovakia. It was built in 1913, close to an earlier synagogue, according architectural design by Berlin architect Dr. Richard Scheibner. It was built by the Fuchs and Niegreisz, the construction firm of Trenčín.

The historic building with Byzantine and Maur-Oriental elements stands at the northern corner of the Ľudovít Štúr Square. The Synagogue was used for neology purposes until the 2nd World War, during which it was desecrated and its articles taken. Reconstruction of the monument took place from 1974 -1984. After the reconstruction, the central space under the dome has served as an exhibition hall. A small worship room in the rear of the facility was restored in 1990.

In the interior there is retained original blue dome with a rich chandelier and colorful window skylights with ornamental and plant motifs. The small worship room is situated at the back of the building. After renovation, central area of the building serves as an occasional showroom. Close to the synagogue, there is longitudinal two-storey building where a public Jewish school was housed in 1868.

OPEN: only during occasional exhibitions (only several days a year)

ENTRANCE FEE: voluntary

Židovská náboženská obec Trenčín
Hviezdova 1, Trenčín
Tel.: +421 (0)903 708 813, +421 032 744 07 69



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