360° Virtual Tours

Thanks to virtual tours you can visit places that are usually not available for the public – for example the Jewish cemetery or the crypt under the Piarist Church of St. Francis Xavier. You can also look into the memorial room of Jozef Branecký, with his personal belongings preserved or be amazed by wonderful stucco decoration created by Italian masters in former monastery dining room.

Panorama centrum mesta 360*°

Other virtual tours take you to reconstructed southern fortifications of Trenčín Castle or to foundations of pre-Romanesque rotunda. You can also see the expositions of the Trenčín Museum and interior of the City Tower. If you would like to see Trenčín from a bird’s eye view, there are several virtual tours from above the City Tower and the Matúš Tower at the castle, which is the highest place in Trenčín.

City center
Housing estate Noviny
Town district Juh
Town district Sever
Town Area Zámostie

Virtual tours are financed by the Regional Tourism Organization OOCR Trenčín a okolie and the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic.

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