Museum of Trenčín (Trenčianske múzeum)

Museum of Trenčín (Trenčianske múzeum) is housed in a building of a former district hall with a richly decorated front. The museum’s predecessor was Nature Society of Trenčín County (Prírodovedný spolok župy Trenčianskej) founded by Dr. Karol Brančík. The association became the most important cultural association not only in the city but also of the whole county. Later, in 1912, the association merged with the Museum Society (Muzeálna spoločnosť) and Museum of Trenčín was established. His first chairman was Dr. Karol Brančík.

Museum of Trenčín is part of a region with rich history and culture and as such acquires collections documenting the history of Trenčín and its surroundings. They are part of an exposition called From the History and Culture of the Privileged Town of Trenčín. It focuses on the nation´s history and includes sections devoted to nature, history, history of arts, and archeology. Furthemore, the museum keeps and maintains collections focused on history, history of arts, nature and literature; extensive numismatic, phaleristic, philocartic, military, weapon and art collections.

The most valuable collection of Museum of Trenčín include extensive, artistically and historically significant Illeshazy family collection of paintings. The Illeshazies were the capital and inheritable countymen of Trenčín and Liptov districts and, in the period of 1594 – 1835 owners of Trenčín Castle. The collection is presently installed in the castle´s gallery.

OPEN: see (see right bottom corner)

ENTRANCE FEE: see (see right bottom corner)

Trenčianske múzeum v Trenčín
Mierové námestie 46, 912 50 Trenčín
Tel.: +421 (0)32 743 44 31


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