Mierové Square (Mierové námestie)

Old historical road that connected the Moravian gate through Považie with the Nitra river valley witnessed the footprint of the city. This road, located between the castle´s rock and river Váh, morphed before 1111 into a settlement that created an irregular elongated square.

In the middle of the 15th century, two gates (upper and lower city gate) with city walls that connected to castle fortifications were built at the opposing ends of the square. The castle and the city formed an enclosed space with the castle taking up approximately half of the total area. For centuries, Mierové Square served as the centre of cultural and political life, and construction of townhouses was the activity that impacted the square´s character the most.

The Jesuits built their church and convent on the square during 1652 – 1657. The statues of St. Ján Nepomucký and Plague Pillar were erected in the 18th century. Statue of St. Florian, symbol of fire protection, was built in first years of the 19th century.

New buildings including the City Hall, District House, Post Office, Casino, Hotel, were gradually added. The square has born various names in the past, such as: Intra moenia (15th century) Civitas (15th –16th centuries) Teatrum, Rink, Forum Publicum (1771, 1785), Hauptplatz (middle of the 19th century), Fópiac, Fóter (1868 – 1911), Szalavsky Gyulatér (1911 – 1918), Masarykovo square (1919 – 1938), Hlinkovo square (1938 – 1945), Stalinovo square (1945 – 1962), and its current name Mierové Square (since 1962). After an extensive construction and architectonic survey, the square was declared Municipal Monument Reserve.


Tajomstvá Mierového námestia – detská zimná pátracia hra 2024

5. 12. 2024 • 0.00 – 6. 1. 2025 | Mierové námestie

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Čaro Vianoc pod hradom

5. 12. 2024 • 10.00 – 31. 12. 2024 | Mierové námestie

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Čaro Vianoc pod hradom: Zlatý víkend

20. 12. 2024 • 10.00 – 23. 12. 2024 | Mierové námestie

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Adam Ďurica

21. 12. 2024 • 19.00 | Mierové námestie

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Titusz Tóbisz

22. 12. 2024 • 17.00 | Mierové námestie

Titusz Tóbisz je slovenský tenor, ktorý sa preslávil svojím výnimočným hlasom a charizmou. Ako interpret operných a muzikálových diel sa stal obľúbeným nielen na slovenských, ale aj medzinárodných pódiách. Jeho hlas je silný, emocionálny a plný expresivity, vďaka čomu



31. 12. 2024 • 22.00 | Mierové námestie

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